AU month – sensory

April is the month for Autism awareness/ acceptance. Each day I hope to write a thoughtful post relating to autism. I have asked some friends and family for some inspirations. But for today the inspiration came from an event that happened today.

Every week I have meetings with my professor and today’s meeting inspired today’s subject – sensory, more specifically my tactile sensory needs! I didn’t realize it until today that I’m a fidgeter. At the meeting I played with professor’s pencil as I listened and took notes on her feedback on my work. My professor thought I was breaking her pencil so she replaced the pencil with my Rubik’s cube. Haha this isn’t the first time that she thought I was breaking one of her possessions. This made me recall some past experiences where she also thought I was breaking her things. I see a pattern now! The pattern is I exert too much force because my threshold for sensory feedback is different from others. I must give her heart attacks every time I fidget with her things 🌱🐢✏️.

  • boredom
  • nervousness/ anxious
  • focus – rhythmic repetition keep the thoughts linear and narrow

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